Magical Land of Oz

Magical Land of Oz

Sunday, November 24, 2013

December in Our Town

This year our second grade students will be participating in a live musical performance titled, December in Our Town.  This musical presentation celebrates the wonder, the joy, and the diversity of the month of December as the students discover all the different ways that families celebrate the winter holidays. 

Our stars will have two performances, one daytime performance for the students at Chets Creek Elementary and an evening performance for family and friends. Parents, details will be sent home regarding performance times and costumes on Friday, December 6th. 

We can not wait to see you all there! 

5th Grade Buddies

Our second graders are paired up with fifth graders from Mrs. Rabe's class as buddies for the year. Our fifth grade buddies will come to our classroom a few Fridays each month and will spend time reading and getting to know one another. 

The first time that our buddies met was a HUGE success! They read each other questions to learn a little more about one another. We loved seeing how much our second graders look up to their fifth grade buddies. Thank you, fifth graders for being such great role models for our friends. We can't wait to see you again soon!

Literacy Pumpkins

Every October our front lobby is decorated with the most beautiful pumpkins. Our classroom chose one of our favorite books and then transformed pumpkins into characters from the story. We chose to decorate a scene from Renchenka's Eggs by Patricia Polacco. We had so much fun decorating our pumpkins!

Thank you, Mrs. Miller!! We truly appreciate all of your help with this wonderful Literacy Pumpkin Display.  

To find out more about this amazing story please visit the following website: 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

October Character Trait-Cooperation

Congratulations for being voted by your classmates as the character education winner for the month of October! 

This is what some of your classmates said about you:
  • He helps me tie my shoes. 
  • He always follows directions.
  • I was new in December and he became my friend fast. 
  • When no one was playing with me on the playground, he asked me to go and play basketball with him.