Magical Land of Oz

Magical Land of Oz

Friday, January 31, 2014

January Character Trait-Tolerance

Congratulations for being voted by your classmates as the character education winner for the month of January! 

This is what some of your classmates said about you:
  • I have never met a kid like him. He is very patient with everybody.
  • I have never seen him get mad at another boy when they don't make a basket shot.
  • He is the best friend in the whole world. He never let's anyone pick on me and I'm little. He tells them to be nice and then goes away to play with me. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Reading Time

We just love how some of our students choose to sit by the fireplace while others will just sit anywhere to enjoy a good book.  

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Welcome Back

We can not wait to see all of our 
wonderful students back at school on 
Monday, January 6, 2014!

December Character Trait-Kindness

Congratulations for being voted by your classmates as the character education winner for the month of December! 

This is what some of your classmates said about you:
  • He in always nice to me and the bugs and the lizards on the playground.
  • He is very polite and always says thank you and please. 
  • He is the best field trip partner. He asks me what I want to do first and he never yells in my ear on the bus.