Magical Land of Oz

Magical Land of Oz

Friday, February 28, 2014

February Character Trait-Charity

Congratulations for being voted by your classmates as the character education winner for the month of February! 

This is what some of your classmates said about you:
  • She never says no when I ask her to help me tie my shoes. She always smiles when she helps me.
  • She is the best table captain I have ever had especially when I lose stuff like my pencil or break my crayon. She always shares her things with us. 
  • I like singing with her on the playground. I get to pick the song and she knows all of the words.
  • Thank you for helping me clean up my mess at lunch and always playing with me. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

B-I-N-G-O! Our Readers Played Some Bingo

Congratulations to our 
second quarter 
Readers to Leaders
We hope you had fun celebrating 
your amazing accomplishments. 
Keep reading! 

Oh! So close and yet so far.

Hey, I won!
I won, too!

Ugh! Only one space left!  
Wish they would quiet down. 
Can't they see that I'm trying 
to read my new book.

Ok. Let's see here?
What do I have left?

I love this game!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy Teachers

This is just one of those many small moments in our day that bring us great joy. There is nothing like seeing a student read (while waiting for the bus at the end of the day) just for the sheer joy of reading.